Annual Golf Tournament
River Run Golf Club
Saturday, September 17, 2022
Proceeds benefit services for Worcester seniors.

Become a Sponsor or Register to Play
Tournament Sponsors
Tournament Players
Team player slots are filled! Registration is closed. But it's not too late to become a sponsor!
After adding a sponsorship or player count to cart, click "Continue shopping" on next screen to add an additional item.
Platinum $ 1,000
Includes fee for 4 players; Sponsor’s name placed on sign at the 18th Tee; full-page ad in the event program; Sponsor’s name appears in all advertising.
Gold $ 750
Includes fee for 4 players, Sponsor’s name placed on sign at the 18th Tee, 1/2 page ad in event program and Sponsor’s name appears in all advertising.
Silver $ 500
Includes fee for 2 players, Hole Sponsor and 1/4 page ad in event program, Sponsor’s name placed on sign at the 18th Tee.
Bronze $ 250
Cart sponsor, Sponsor’s name appears on sign at the 18th Tee and in all advertising.
Hole Sponsor $ 100
Name appears on sign on tee box (other than 18th hole) Name appears in event program booklet.
Cart Sponsor $ 50
Name placed on front of a golf cart and in event program booklet
Business Card Ad $ 25
Ad placed in event program booklet

Awards & Prizes
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
Longest Drive
Closest to the Pin
Best Dressed Women’s/Men’s Team
For Sale at Registration
Mulligans, Putting Contest,
Raffle Tickets