
About Volunteering
WorCOA is a non-profit and relies on volunteers to help with our programs.
We have various volunteer opportunities available.
Community for Life needs volunteer drivers to take participants to and from doctors’ appointments and any in-between stops, and someone to make friendly phone calls weekly to our members.
Meals on Wheels needs drivers to deliver meals to people in the community who are handicapped or homebound.
The 50plus Centers have a variety of opportunities, including kitchen help, overseeing the center, helping with programming and more.
Our adult daycare could use volunteers to help with and sit with the participants. Please call and ask about what opportunities are available.
If there are any skills you would like to put to use please call Jo Ann Dorrough to inquire at 410.632.1277 ext. 710 and ask about volunteer opportunities.
We would love to hear from you!
WorCOA Administrative Offices
4767 Snow Hill Rd
Snow Hill, MD 21863